Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Pyrex Collection by dragongrl4
Pyrex Collection, a photo by dragongrl4 on Flickr.

Yes I have it and I want more!!!! I have become 100% obsessed with Pyrex and I can't wait to add more to my collection! Thrift stores are my new best friends =)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Spring has Sprung

I am a little late with the spring has sprung post but it has been a very busy couple of weeks. I did some sewing and things of that nature but I have also been working alot which has made me tired and grumpy so the happy spring post had to wait. But here it is!

I love spring, the colors are amazing, everything is blooming and the smell in the air is enough to make even the grumpiest person smile =)

I love when the trees bloom...it always makes me happy to see it =)

My goofy co-worker even bought us all flowers to celebrate spring! It was so nice of her and she knows my favorite color is purple =)

My mom even gave me a piece of her Christmas Cactus that belonged to my nana so I can have my own! Pretty huh?

My mom grew this one from a small piece too. I hope mine ends up looking like this eventually though I know it will take years! It blooms twice a year and is absolutely gorgeous. As of today mine has two little roots, few more weeks and I will be able to pot it =)

In sewing news I have discovered the addictiveness of hexagons.

Went a little crazy this weekend and made about 45 of them! I couldn't stop! I was all cozy in my bed watching TV and before I knew it I had a ton! I love them...they're cute and easy and you can make some really nice patchwork projects with them. Not to mention they are great for scraps! Now whenever I have scraps from a project I am going to make a few of these babies and hopefully end up with something big in the end!

And the grand finale! The most exciting thing that has happened in my life these last few weeks.

My quilt is bound and FINISHED!! I could not be happier with how it turned out! In all honesty I thought that I was going to get bored with it and never finished it before I even started, but it was fun and interesting and I never once got bored! I want to make ten more! I am already trying to plan my next one...looking at all kinds of pictures for inspiration. I was going to make one for Robert but the colors he would want are a little dark and for my next project I want to use bright warm colors! So I just need to make a decision and pick out all the fabric then we will be on to quilt #2 =) It will certainly be alot bigger then this one, more of a snuggle on the couch size I think.

So that is what has been going on. I also found a few new pyrex pieces last weekend but it was too dreary to take pics. I will try to take some tomorrow ( I think the sun is supposed to come out...ahh spring in Boston!)

Happy Wednesday!