Thursday, November 18, 2010

I am still around!

Yes I am still here and this post is just a quickie.

I played house with my Robert a few weeks ago and started cooking!

Stuffed chicken breast with goat cheese and canadian bacon

Sauteed chicken with garlic and some kind on spice

Even wine and bread with oil! Haha Rob picked the recipes and while he was at work I got to cook for him like we actually lived together! It was big fun =)

In knitting news....Leyburn socks here I come!

Monday, November 8, 2010


Is it bad that it is only the second week in November (Egads!) and I am ready to have some New Year's resolutions? I am in need of goals. I like having something to work towards and keep me motivated in my day to day mediocre life.

Usually when I set goals for myself I am really into it for about a week or two and then my motivation fizzles. Well this year that is not going to happen! I have already started a list that I think is pretty least I do at the moment. This is just a preliminary list, I won't finalize it until the last week in December so it is all set for January 1st ( which just happens to be one Robert Gerard's birthday =P)

#1 - I would like to become a fitness competitor. This one is something that is a tiny bit far fetched but not completely unreachable. My Robert has informed me that if I did everything I was supposed to do and followed his every instruction, I would be ready for competition in 4 months. Thinking about it right now that doesn't seem to hard. I mean how hard could it be right? I love to lift weights and working out means seeing him more so it is a win win situation. Except for the part where I am a highly picky eater and I loath cardio. I don't like chicken which is pretty much the main food that I will be required to eat. Salads are boring when eaten everyday and greek yogurt makes me gag (it tastes like sour cream...yuck). Not to mention I find cardio incredibly boring unless I am in a kickboxing class or something and those are not an every day thing. But that is what a resolution is for! To have goals and do things that were to hard for you before but now you are ready to take on anything! Yes....this will be my toughest resolution yet...and it coincides with the normal resolution of losing weight....two birds with one stone =)

# 2 - I would like to start a monthly sock club for myself just like what the Yarn Harlot did. What a simple and easy concept! Take 12 hanks of yarn and 12 patterns you think would go well with them, put them in separate plastic bags and once a month pick one of the bags and knit the socks. Lather, Rinse, Repeat! This is something that is completely doable I think. I knit at lunch most of the time so if I have a pattern in front of me its fine and that is about 45 minutes a day that I can definitely knit on them! Yeah...I think this is a keeper.

# 3 - To keep in touch with my friends better. This one is pretty self-explanatory. Sometimes I feel I let my life get in the way of talking to or seeing the people that mean alot to me. I mean I haven't seen my best friend since her wedding August because life keeps getting in the way! So in 2011 I am going to make a conscious effort to not let that happen anymore. I am going to be around more for my friends.

# 4 - I would like to write a book....not sure what about yet....might take a class.

# 5 - Do more things by myself and be independent. Stop worrying about what people are thinking when I am out by myself and simply do whatever  I want.

I have no doubt that there will be more to add to this list, but like I said this is preliminary. I love lists. They keep me sane. Having a plan is always a good thing =)

P.S I will have knitting and pictures for Wednesday!